Monday, 27 June 2016

40 Best & Worst Movie Dads

In a late father's day episode, the cast discusses the best and worst of dads in movies and television. Have a listen.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

39 Aliens, Space and Other Worlds (W/ Romaine Campbell)

Do you believe in aliens? I don't know if they exist but they sure do make for good movies. So we decided with Independence Day 2 coming up, we'd look at the topic for a discussion. Joining us on the cast is actual alien Romaine Campbell, who may or may not be here to kill us all.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

38 Magic, Spells and Warcraft (W/ Jermaine Marshall)

This week we discuss the magic as seen in popular movies and television like Eragon, Game of Thrones, Naruto and of course, Harry Potter. We also talk about how magic can be a little stupid sometimes but it's still fun. 

Monday, 6 June 2016

37 Twists, Surprises and Shocks

This episode is a fun one as we look at the famous twist endings. Those that make us go "Whaaaaat". We look at the ones that make sense, and the ones that really don't.