Sunday, 17 April 2016

33 Disney Villains, Princesses, and Songs

This week on the Take 4 Podcast we decided to tackle the biggest production company, the place where magic comes from and the home of Mickey Mouse, DISNEY. We talked the animated classics, modern films, live action, villains, princesses, songs, and of course, we play Marry, F***, Kill with the Disney princesses. Hey, we're still a bunch of juveniles, even when talking about kid stuff. ESPECIALLY WHEN TALKING ABOUT KID STUFF.
This is gonna be the last one for about 3 weeks because we've got exams to do. Thanks for listening silent fans!!

Sunday, 10 April 2016

32 Animal Movies

This was a favourite of the Take 4 crew. We talked about our favourite appearances of animals in movies! Everyone on the cast is a big animal lover (Except Britni, because she's dead inside). We talk Babe Pig in The City, movies where animals died, and movies were animals actually were killed on the set. FUN TIMES 

Sunday, 3 April 2016

31 Anti-Heroes

This week we talk about heroes with shades of grey to their morality. Something that we see quite a bit these days. Also Damian and Nic fight and the podcast gets.... a little tense.