Sunday, 27 March 2016

30 Versus Movies

With Batman V Superman coming out, we thought we'd look at some other movies where characters went head to head. Yes this episode is about movies where all the BS is stripped away and everyone buckles down for one big spectacular showdown. 

Sunday, 20 March 2016

29 Superman, and The Power Of Being White

It's another episode of the Take 4 Podcast and with Batman v Superman just one week away, we're talking about Superman. We discuss the character, his movies, and what we like or dislike. Basically last weeks episode, except with Superman instead of Batman. 

Sunday, 13 March 2016

28 Best Movie Batman

In honour of Batman v. Superman in a few weeks, we take a look at one of the very first serious cinematic superheroes (try saying that five times fast) and come to the conclusion that, sometimes he's not as serious as people think he is.