Sunday, 31 January 2016

23 Best & Worst of 2016

With the subpar releases of January finally over with, it's time to look forward to things again, so Take 4 is here to help you sift through the trash. We predict the best, the worst and the rich in the crop of films to be released in 2016. Buckle up kids, it's gonna be a ride. It's Nostradamus time bitches.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

22 Oscar Predictions!

With the Oscar nominations just released Take 4 subverts it's month of best of to give our predictions for the Academy Award nominations. We discuss #OscarSoWhite and who we thought would've been better suited to even be nominated. Like 'The Walk'. Goddamnit. 

Sunday, 10 January 2016

21 2015 Year In Review

Another year of film has come to a close and we take the time to go through a number of them in our yearly film wrap up. We chronicle the films from January to December and pick out our favourites and least favourites. The greats and the absolute dog dung of the film year. Join us next week where we talk about our favourite tv shows of the year!