Sunday, 27 December 2015

20 It's a Take 4 Christmas

Happy holidays listeners! We gathered around a fake yule log and talked about the reason for the season. Mediocre Christmas movies. Plus, while a little bit inebriated, the cast was pretty much divided on whether or not Christmas overall sucks. Mostly it did. Call it a blue Christmas. We also talked about how Santa is a kidnapper in Elf, Whoville should've cared more about the presents the Grinch stole, and basically how all Christmas movies are lies designed to control the youth of the world for as long as possible.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

19 Star Wars I-VI (Obi-Wan sucks and the Jedi are dicks)

Take 4 returns of the jedi with a new hope to strike back against the attack of podcast clones who have the revenge of a sith with a phantom menace. Yes we're talking the Star Wars Saga this week in preparation for The Force Awakens, which we don't get to see until the December 23. So that's fun. There's a lot of laughs as the crew greases the old podcast hinges to get back in action for the biggest advertisments for toys ever: Star Wars.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

18 Best & Worst Movie Trilogies (Mid-Season Finale)

Before Take 4 leaves you to cram for it's end of year exams, we leave you with a discussion on the best and worst movie trilogies of all time. We talk Indiana Jones, The Godfather, The Dark Knight and even some franchises you wouldn't consider trilogies such as Harry Potter and The Lion King. Plus, this is our biggest cast yet with a whopping six guests with a total of 10 voices on mic. 

Sunday, 15 November 2015

17 The Hunger Games Are Garbage (Mostly)

Welcome to the 17 weekly Take 4 Podcast! This week, in honour of the latest installment in the series, we're talking about the wonderful film franchise of 'The Hunger Games'. We mostly hate it so, listen to us rant about why they're awful.
May the odds be ever in your favour.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

16 Spies, James Bond and Mission Impossible

After a week going undercover, the Take 4 crew are here to fight for the lives of the innocent, in the shadows. Our mission? To talk about spy movies and why they're so cool. 

Sunday, 25 October 2015

15 How To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse

We talk about Zombie fiction and non-fiction as Nicanor guides through the mythos of real world zombies, and the best and worst movies about the undead. Kyle and Damian discuss 'The Walking Dead' tv show and we all decide how long we would last in the Zombie Apocalypse. 

Sunday, 18 October 2015

14 Creatures, Monsters and The Rolling Calf

Continuing the horror trend, the Take 4 crew takes a look at all the things that go bump in the night. We talk about Tremors, Jaws, Eight Legged Freaks and all the monster movies that made us shriek. Also we were pirates for about 5 seconds. It was weird.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

13 Vampires, Dracula and Blood Suckers

It's October and that means Take 4 is gonna be looking at the things that go bump in the night, or in a dark movie theatre. This week: VAMPIRES. We talk about the history of blood sucking cinema, the modern day development of them, and our favourites in movies and television. We talk Blade, Lost Boys, The Originals, True Blood, Underworld, multiple Draculas, and of course, Twilight.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

12 Animation, Anime and Cartoons

In this episode of the Take 4 podcast we looked at the animated movies and television shows of our childhood, and also got into what they mean to us today. We tackle the debate of new school vs old school cartoons and discover how awesome voice actors are. For example, James Avery (Uncle Phil) was Shredder from the original ninja turtles. I know right. We talk Pixar, Dreamworks, Steven Universe, Avatar, Miyazaki, Adventure Time, Rocket Power, and more.
Th-th-th-that's all folks!

Sunday, 27 September 2015

11 Villains, Bad Guys and Scoundrels

In honour of Hotel Transylvania (kind of) we dove into the meaty topic of antagonists in popular media. What makes a villain good and is there any such thing as strict villain anymore? We answer these questions and more. We discuss the concept of villains on Game of Thrones, Dragonball Z, Grand Theft Auto and Spongebob. It's that kind of episode. Also in the neeeeews Men in Black might not have Will Smith anymore, Furious 8 has no director and Spider-Man is still gonna be in movies, which thank God because I was worried they wouldn't make any more Spider-Man movies.
Joining the cast this week are Alex Leslie and Pattex.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

10 How To Survive A YA (Young Adult) Novel

This week we get into all the movies based on young adult novels that have graced the silver screen in the last couple years, and how the hell we would survive in them. With the help of our guide Xavier Bryson, we might actually make it out...well not alive but at least, a quick death. Plus the news, King Kong might fight Godzilla and Christopher Nolan might direct an Akira trilogy. A lot of mights, and some maybes too. All the indecision!

Sunday, 13 September 2015

09 High School Movies

This week we talked about films and movies set in high school, the worst place on earth. We discuss Mean Girls, Clueless, and why you have to be 30 to be in a high school movie. Also in the news, Chris Evans is Captain America forever, Transformers is getting a cinematic universe and so much more.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

08 Summer Movie Wrap Up

Back just in time for the end of the summer blockbuster season, the Take 4 crew reutrns! We're talking all the summer movies of the year, like your Jurassic Worlds, Mad Maxes and your Mission Impossibles. All the summer movies. Also in the news, a Civil War roster is revealed and John Diggle from Arrow does Magneto cosplay. 
Speaking of cosplay, have you checked out the video we put out where I dressed up as Agent 47 from Hitman? You can see that here:

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

07 Video Game Movies Are Terrible (But They Don't Have To Be)

In honour of critical and commercial failure 'Hitman: Agent 47' we decided we would take a look at just what makes video game movies so bad and see if we can envision a world where they could be...decent. Look we're not miracle workers so...decent's all you get, DEAL WITH IT.
Hosted by Nicanor Gordon

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

06 Is This a Biopic?

It's another episode of Take 4 and this week the Take 4 crew will be looking at biopics, true stories and movies based on true stories. Sometimes we don't really know the difference. It's okay though because who cares. Sorry for the late upload but I hope you enjoy listening! 
Hosted by Kyle Howard

Saturday, 15 August 2015

05 Fantastic Four Films (Not 1994)

We played a drinking game and watch the original series of the Fantastic Four. Everything Chris Evans and Ioan Gruffududud. Why is Invisible Woman always naked? Why is the Thing okay with being a disgusting rock monster at the end? We don't really know. All we know is, it's better than the first one.

Monday, 3 August 2015

04 Movies Based on TV Shows

This week we take the time to talk about the best and worst movies based on tv shows in honour of the release of Mission Impossible Rogue Nation. Zale the Whale returns and he brought with him a live studio audience of all his under the sea friends. Which kids movies made us cry and which small screen story would we like to see venture on to the big screen? Find out here

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

03 Robots, Androids and Cyborgs

It's robot season at the box office. With Ultron fighting the Avengers and Terminator being...back, the Take 4 crew took the time to talk about robots and all manner of metal men. If any robots are reading this, we'd like to formally submit ourselves as humble servants to our new robot overlords and hope you are merciful with us.  Thanks for listening robots! You're the best.

Monday, 27 July 2015

02 Comic Book News, Views and Reviews!

DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK, question mark? Episode 2 tackles the biggest news to come out of comic-con including the trailers for Batman v. Superman, Deadpool, Suicide Squad and more. Also, maybe the worst review of Ant-Man yet, but not in the way you might think. How we managed to do an episode without a topic I do not know

Thursday, 16 July 2015

01 Origins, Prequels and Beginnings

Hey there, how's it going? Got an hour to kill? Great. Listen to our new show, where we talk about movies and tv and stuff. This week we talk about origin stories like Wolverine, Better Call Saul, Spider-Man, and Wolverine and other stuff. Maybe there's a rant about Minions in there. Who can say, so listen, or don't, whatever. You decide!